New insights into the naming of Homo erectus
Read the review article by Eduard Pop, Sofwan Noerwidi and Fred Spoor
In memoriam: Professor Frans de Waal
It is with great sorrow that the Eugène Dubois Foundation has taken notice of the passing of Professor Frans de Waal.
Genetic History of Europe: Adaptation and Migration in Prehistory, by Prof. Johannes Krause
Memorial Lecture in Honour of Prof. Dr. Joep Geraedts
In Memoriam: Prof Joep Geraedts
The Eugène Dubois Foundation regrets the loss of our very dedicated and kind chairman.
3 October 2022: Public lecture
The Truth about Eve: the Invention of Gender Inequality, by Prof. Carel van Schaik
In November 2021, four Maastricht University students participated in an exclusive masterclass with Tijs Goldschmidt.
Tijs Goldschmidt appointed 6th Eugène Dubois chair
Dutch evolutionary biologist and science writer Tijs Goldschmidt will deliver lectures in the autumn of 2021.
Inaugural lecture Prof. José Joordens, 13 June
Prof. Joordens has been appointed Naturalis Dubois Chair in Hominin Paleoecology and Evolution
How to get ahead in academia?
On 12 September 2018, Prof. Katerina Harvati gave a lecture on career planning tips for PhD candidates and junior researchers at Maastricht University.
Public lecture: Evolution of the Genus Homo
On 12 September 2018, Prof. Katerina Harvati gave a public lecture in Maastricht on the evolution of our own genus Homo.
Photos lecture George Maat on bipedalisation of mankind
Prof. Katerina Harvati appointed Eugène Dubois Chair 2018
Join the public lecture and lecture series on 6-8 March 2018
15 May: Lecture by Prof. Carel van Schaik
The Diary of Mankind: How The Hebrew Bible was created
5 March: Spring Lecture
Neanderthals at De Kaap in Rijckholt-Sint Geertruid, by Yannick Raczynski-Henk